On the principle of learning MSE
We usually use mean square error (MSE) as our machine learning softwares’ objective. What makes it valid objective function?
What machine learning does
Let our model be a function that maps an input $ X $ to an output $ Y $.
Then, this objective can be represented as modeling $ P(Y | X ; \theta ) $, where $\theta$ is a parameter that we learn.
To put it in another way, we are learning parameter $\theta$ that maximizes the probability of output $Y$ is provided given the input $X$.
This objective is often referred as Maximum Likelihood Estimate. Formally:
$\theta_{ML} = argmax P(Y | X ; \theta )$
Where MSE comes from
So here, we would like to find $\theta$ that maximizes $ P(Y | X ; \theta ) $.
Let’s introduce other assumptions, as follows:
Assumption 1. Samples are iid.
Assumption 2. $ P(y|x) ~ \frac{1}{sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e^{-frac{y-yhat}{2\sigma^2}} $
From those assumptions, our objective becomes,
$ \theta_{ML} = argmax P(Y | X ; \theta ) $
$ = argmax \prod_{i=1}^{m}P(Y | X ; \theta ) $
$ = argmax \sum_{i=1}^{m}logP(Y | X ; \theta ) $
$ = argmax -mlog\sigma -\frac{1}{2}log2\pi -\sum_{i=1}^{m} \frac{(yhat-y)^2}{2\sigma^2} $
$ = argmax -\sum_{i=1}^{m} \frac{(yhat-y)^2}{2\sigma^2} $
To convert it into minimization objective,
$ = argmin \sum_{i=1}^{m} \frac{(yhat-y)^2}{2\sigma^2} $
Hence, our conclusion here is that,
Minimizing MSE Loss is equivalent to maximizing log likelihood.
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