Conda cheatsheet

less than 1 minute read


Here are some useful tips to set conda environments.


conda create -n {env_name} python=3.9
conda install -y matplotlib

List up

The environments

conda info --envs

Packages in the environments

conda list -n {env_name}


conda install -y pip matplotlib seaborn pandas numpy notebook scikit-learn && conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch && pip install tensorboard

Save conda environment as yaml

conda env export > {env_name.yaml}

Create using yaml file

conda env create -f {env_name}.yaml

Removing conda environment

conda remove --name {old_name} --all

Renaming conda environment

conda create --name {new_name} --clone {old_name} # copy
conda remove --name {old_name} --all # and erase

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