Problem Solving Basis - Disjoint Set

1 minute read


How can we implement set without intersection?


Suppose we have N elements: from 1 ~ N.

We are now trying to implement set without intersection, called “disjoint set”.

Disjoint set does not have an intersection, so we can now pick up a representative of each set. For this analogy, each set’s representative is, let me call the ‘ancestor’ of the set.


We are now trying to implement 2 operations.

  • find(x): find the set of x
  • Union(x, y): make x, y to be in the same set


At Initialization stage, each element is the member of each set.

In other words, each element by itself is ancestor. So we have:

          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ancestor |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8| 


By Unioning the set, element x and y are being in the same set.

In other words, ancestor of x becomes ancestor of y.

Find() function haven’t been introduced yet, but suppose this function can find the ancestor of each set.


x_ancestor = find(x);
y_ancestor = find(y);
ancestor[y] = x_ancestor;

will do the trick.

For example, Union (1, 2) would do:

          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ancestor |1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8| 


To find the ancestor of each, we need to go upstream. Suppose our array is as follows:

          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ancestor |1 1 3 2 5 6 7 4| 

and Let’s do 2 examples.

  • find(1): Nothing matters, as 1’s ancestor is 1.
  • find(8): 8’s ancestor is 4. So we call find(4). 4’s ancestor is 2, so we call find(2), and likewise, find(1), and returns 1.

So in our code:

if(ancestor[x] == x){
    return x;
return find(ancestor[x]);

But we can do more of tricks. If we have to go upstream everytime, it is more like storing parents value, rather then ancestor, which takes a lot of time.

Therefore, let’s update our ancestor as we find them.

So in our final code:

if(ancestor[x] == x){
    return x;
return ancestor[x] = find(ancestor[x]);

Complexity Analysis

  • Time: Treat this problem as lineage tree, so tree traversal takes O(logn). But find(x) is defined recursively, so it is known to be O(a(N)). (ackermann function, almost constant complexity)
  • Space: O(N) for array

Template Code


Problems to Solve

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