
KT Genio Topological Visualization (July 2021 ~ Aug 2021)

From data to graph, using javascript!

For my Internship Project at KT, I developed topological map for IT infrastructure using javascript D3 library.


Crude Oil Price Prediction based on GKFN (Mar 2020 ~ Nov 2020)

My very first thesis here on Modeling!

For my Undergraduate Dissertation, I was fortunate to get advice from Prof. Rhee Man Kil and collaborate with David Shin. You may view our thesis(in Korean) here, and also our github repo here.


Tensor Decomposition for Deepfake Detection (July 2020 ~ Aug 2020)

First moment with neural network project!

For my Undergraduate Research Project, I’ve participated in Prof. Simon Woo’s DASH LAB Project, and did some researches on Tensor Decomposition for Deepfake Detection Project. You may visit my github repo for my project, and see some ideas, and my own research procedure there.


Pet-caring Robots

I still remember the moment when my SW controlled my device!

In SKKU embedded systems projects course, pet-caring robot was my team’s topic. Our team implemented functions such as wheel control, bluetooth, web control through python django, and real-time communications. You may visit and watch our video here.


GLIF Website Project

End to End Programming Project: From coding to deploying!

For the purpose of building communication channels for SKKU GLIFers, I tried building website for them. It was half-success and half-failure. I used Python Django Framework for SW, Iwantmyname for domain service, and PythonAnywhere for hosting. It is now out of service, but it was my unique experience of doing web programming for real-world problems. You may visit my repo here.
